SDET Project Delivery

Client Background:

Our client is an e-commerce company that sells consumer electronics products online. They had recently developed a new e-commerce platform that needed to be thoroughly tested before launch. The client hired a team of SDETs to develop and execute a comprehensive testing plan for the platform.

Project Overview:

The SDET team in Watsonite was responsible for developing the automated testing framework and test cases, executing the tests, and reporting defects to the development team. The testing framework was developed using Selenium and TestNG technologies.

Phase 1: Requirement Gathering

The SDET team conducted a series of meetings with the client to understand the requirements of the e-commerce platform and the expected outcomes of the testing process. They identified the key functionalities of the platform that needed to be tested, such as user registration, product search, and checkout process. They also identified the technical requirements of the testing process, such as the programming languages, testing frameworks, and tools needed to develop and execute the automated tests.

Phase 2: Test Plan Development

Based on the requirements gathered from the client, the SDET team developed a comprehensive testing plan that included the test objectives, test cases, and expected outcomes. They developed the automated testing framework using Java programming language and Selenium testing framework with TestNG. They also developed a test data management strategy that allowed them to create and manage test data in an organized and efficient manner.

Phase 3: Test Execution and Reporting

The SDET team executed the automated tests using the testing framework developed in Phase 2. They monitored the test results and reported defects to the development team using JIRA defect tracking tool. They collaborated with the development team to resolve the defects and retested the platform to ensure that the issues were resolved. They provided regular reports to the client on the progress of the testing process and the status of the defects.

Phase 4: Test Completion and Deployment

After executing the testing plan and resolving all defects, the SDET team provided a sign-off on the e-commerce platform, indicating that it met the quality standards set by the client. The platform was then deployed to the production environment.


The SDET team’s comprehensive testing plan and automated testing framework using Selenium and TestNG helped to identify and resolve defects in the e-commerce platform before launch. The collaboration between the SDET team and the development team helped to ensure that the defects were resolved promptly and that the platform met the client’s quality standards. The successful launch of the platform helped the client to improve their online business and provide better services to their customers.